Hello everyone,
First, just another big thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I failed to get an email update out last week, but we did get chemo treatment #3. Ian had a very good week, riding his bike and exercising Tues. through Fri. He started having more pain over the weekend, though, and his hair is nearly gone. :-(
Today we had treatment #4. It was a long day and Ian was in quite a bit of pain through the day. We started pretty early this morning so we could stop and purchase a cabinet for the bathroom that is one of those things we have yet to finish on our "long term" remodel. We have a wonderful friend helping us get at least a toilet and sink in that will be near Ian's room. Anyway, Ian had more pain than usual and was a trooper to keep moving and having a positive attitude through the day!
Of course, we are hoping for a good week this week. We never know how these drugs will effect him as they overlap and interact. We do know that the lump on his neck can barely be felt by the Dr. - and what she's feeling might even just be the biopsy scar healing!
Thank you again for your concern. We are grateful for the great community around us!
Love, Natalie
Good morning everyone,
Although we have had a very easy week, with very little pain medication, and Ian's lump is nearly gone, the blood #'s are down and the chemo will have to be delayed. It's actually just one #: the absolute neutrophil count, for those who know what that means. We will check his counts again on Wednesday and hope for a Thursday chemo treatment. This means everything will move back so we can get back to a Monday schedule, ultimately extending treatments another week. It feels like a setback, but I guess having those #'s drop is not unusual and we continue to learn to expect the unexpected. ;-P
We continue to be grateful for all the great thoughts and prayers coming our way.
Much love and blessings sent out to you all, Natalie
Hi again,
I guess I must have been pretty wiped out last night when I sent our update because I forgot two significant things!
First, the most fantastic news is that the tumor on the side of Ian's neck has already shrunk considerably. Again, it was obvious once I'd really stopped to look!
Second, David folks met us at Stanford yesterday and we went to lunch together after the chemo. That was so nice. Ian really perked up when his Papa and Nana walked in where he was on the IV line. ;-)
And, this morning he woke up hungry and feeling really good. He's looking forward to having some friends over today. It's wonderful to have a break from the pain and nausea and we feel like we have our boy back!
Love to all, Natalie
Hello to all of our faithful friends and family,
Today we took Ian for another chemo treatment. Although I would definitely not say "2 down 6 to go" like we said "1 down and 7" to go last week. Over this past week we had the eye-opening experience finding out what the side effects of chemo are like. Ian was pretty miserable quite a bit of the time with nausea and joint pain. He especially had pain in his jaw and teeth and had only liquids for 3 whole days, including Easter.
Needless to say, I (Natalie) had a rather emotional week as well. It's very hard to see your child suffer, as I'm sure most of you know.
After our visit with the Dr. today, and asking lots of questions, we feel better prepared to cope with the side effects we will face next week. So, we are hoping for a better week this week. Come next Sunday I will feel ready to say "2 down and 6 to go" or even: where a quarter of the way through!
Thank you again for your love and prayers. We appreciate you very much!
Love, Natalie and David