I promised a blog post when we went to Ian's Make a Wish event, so that's what this is. Friday, August 6, our Make a Wish friends came to present Ian's wish. They had a cake with the Mythbusters' picture on it and surprised us with the news that a limousine would be picking us up on Monday morning! Ian had already been getting excited about his wish and this made it even more exciting.
We did have a very exciting day on Monday, even though the limo was delayed in picking us up. ;-) I am providing a link to Ian's post so you can see what he wrote - which shares his view quite well. You can see he's a fun-loving, goofy kid - and very lovable!
We are not allowed to post pictures from inside M5 or any of the Mythbusters, so you'll have to trust us that we were really there or come see us to view pics! There were 6 families there fulfilling their wishes. All of the guys were really nice. If you are familiar with the show, you'll know one of the hosts is a woman, Kari, but she was on location with a project, so we didn't get to meet her. The workshop is very cool, with lots of items they have created for the show and movies they have done work for every where. Basically we got to meet 4 of the hosts, Jamie gave us a tour of the shop, and there was a photo op and signing time for each family. Ian would have loved to do some experimenting with them, but that wasn't in the cards. They don't normally give tours of M5, so we are very fortunate to have done what we did!
After our event, the limo took us to the a hotel near the Oakland airport so we could fly out very early Tuesday morning to go to my folks place in New Mexico for a family reunion. That's where we are now, enjoying the view and family. Both of my Grandmother's are here. My youngest brother Melborne and his wife Pinar and almost 2 year old son Teoman are also here. Teo is great entertainment! My brother Michael will also be coming with his family, so we will all be together for the first time in a long time. This weekend there will be a large gathering, especially in honor of my maternal grandmother who will turn 90 this year. I am so grateful to be doing these wonderful things before tackling more medical stuff. It's a nice break. ;-)