For me, there are ups and downs. Although I know fairly well what to expect from my surgery, the field has changed and advanced in significant ways. And there is the unknown of what they will find in there! In addition, I had two years to focus on my health and wholeness before my last surgery. This time, I have been a little distracted, to say the least. I have turned my focus more inward in the last few weeks so I can be in the best shape mentally, physically and spiritually that I can, but, honestly, it's a challenge. It has been a blessing to spend extra time with friends and our community continues to support us in wonderful ways.
I am looking forward to Sunday. A part of our Sunday morning service will be devoted to a time of prayer for me. I would love to gather friends near and far around me. If you can be there, no matter what your faith tradition may or may not be, please come to Community Presbyterian Church, 1407 Third St., Calistoga, at 10:30 this Sunday, Oct. 24. If you can't be there in person, I know you will be with me in spirit.
My surgery is 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26. David will update the blog and be sending out emails as soon as he can. We look forward to good news and a positive time of healing soon!
Thank you all for being such a blessing to me. Love, Natalie