Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Preparing for surgery

I feel the need to be in touch with everyone as I go into this final week before surgery. Overall, I am doing well and the family is doing well. Helen is busy with college classes, catching up after her play. Ian is doing great–as active as ever. David is holding down the fort at church, which is struggling with some serious challenges, in addition to supporting me and the kids emotionally. I know he is drained and is looking forward to the down time we will take following surgery.

For me, there are ups and downs. Although I know fairly well what to expect from my surgery, the field has changed and advanced in significant ways. And there is the unknown of what they will find in there! In addition, I had two years to focus on my health and wholeness before my last surgery. This time, I have been a little distracted, to say the least. I have turned my focus more inward in the last few weeks so I can be in the best shape mentally, physically and spiritually that I can, but, honestly, it's a challenge. It has been a blessing to spend extra time with friends and our community continues to support us in wonderful ways.

I am looking forward to Sunday. A part of our Sunday morning service will be devoted to a time of prayer for me. I would love to gather friends near and far around me. If you can be there, no matter what your faith tradition may or may not be, please come to Community Presbyterian Church, 1407 Third St., Calistoga, at 10:30 this Sunday, Oct. 24. If you can't be there in person, I know you will be with me in spirit.

My surgery is 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26. David will update the blog and be sending out emails as soon as he can. We look forward to good news and a positive time of healing soon!

Thank you all for being such a blessing to me. Love, Natalie

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Surgery news

David wrote a great email summing up our currents "stuff," so I'm putting it here for our blog. There is enough on our minds with that we are feeling the strain at times and have to work to deal with it all in the best way we can. Fortunately there are also blessings, like the play Helen is in at the JC, Ian's 15th birthday celebration and the gift of a tennis mentor who would just like to work with Ian for as long as he enjoys the game. Thank you again for your love and prayers. Love, Natalie

Hello All,

I want to keep everyone informed as to where things are and how things are going. The support we continue to receive throughout this time has been wonderful. Ian has fully rejoined swimming and is now taking tennis lessons and loving it! He celebrates each day of remission in his own wonderful ways.

Natalie will have her brain surgery on Tues. Oct 26 at UCSF. The Friday before she has a whole day of prep, as well as Monday the 25th. They tell us she will be in the Hospital through Friday and if all is well should come home then.

With this news of more prep and longer stay than we anticipated and what she went through last time the reality of what is coming is setting in. Overall we're both doing quite well but we both find ourselves at times standing in a room looking around going, "now what am I needing to do?"

We are confident of God's love and presence and are reminded again of the beauty and blessings of each day. But please hold us, and Ian and Helen, in your thoughts and prayers as this journey is fraught not only with bumps and bends but also many whispered fears.



BTW, our family was deeply involved this year in Relay for Life and it appears our we have raised over $43,000 in Calistoga! Great work and may they develop more cures!